Harry van Schaik benoemd in Commissie I.T.F.

Harry van Schaik van Kisport in Barneveld is per direct benoemd als lid van de Business and Development Committee van de I.T.F. wereldorganisatie.

Harry gaat samen met Commissie voorzitter Master Per Anderson uit Noorwegen en Mark Banicevich uit Nieuw Zeeland de commissie vormen welke zich gaan bezig houden met het ontwikkelen van producten en diensten welke federatie en hun scholen kunnen gaan gebruiken om te groeien en te ontwikkelen.

Wij van het bestuur van I.T.F. Nederland wensen Harry veel succes met deze nieuwe functie.

Harry is de 2de persoon binnen I.T.F. Nederland welke binnen de I.T.F. wereldorganisatie zitting heeft in een commissie.
Master Coos van den Heuvel is de andere persoon welke zitting heeft in de Umpire and Tournament Committee.

Hieronder volgt de officiele tekst uit de brief van de I.T.F.:

Two new members on the ITF Business Development Committee

(December 20th, 2007)


Master Trân Triêu Quân, President of ITF, is pleased to announce the nomination of Mr. Mark Banicevich from New Zealand and Mr. Harry Van Schaik from the Netherlands as new members on the ITF Business Development Committee. The two gentlemen will combine their effort with the Chairman of the Committee, Master Per Andresen from Norway, in order to assist the ITF, its national members, and its Instructors to develop and manage their business.

Master Andresen thoroughly selected the two gentlemen, and both nominations were approved unanimously by the Board of Directors, in accordance to the Article VIII of the ITF Constitution.

These nominations are for a two-year mandate, effective immediately and until the next Congress of the ITF to be held in Argentina in 2009.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I wish the best success to Mr. Mark Banicevich and Mr. Harry Van Schaik in their new position. I believe firmly that their contribution will be beneficial to the ITF Business Development Committee and to the ITF.

Master Trân Triêu Quân

President of ITF