Overeenkomst twee ITF organisaties

Namens het hoofdkwartier van de ITF ontvingen wij het volgende bericht:


Following the mandate of the ITF Congress, on June 11th at 3 pm delegations of the two ITF  Taekwon-do organizations, leaded by GMaster Trajtenberg and Dr. Chang Ung, met in Vienna at Vienna Grand Hotel and signed the agreement to stop immediately and end forever all Court proceedings at present and in the future between the two Taekwon-Do organizations and their own members and confirm the commitments not to slander, calumniate or defame each other. They express that they will observe a mutual respect to each other for the future. GM Trajtenberg was accompanied by ITF SG Master Ferrando, Senior Vice-President Master Paul Weiler and lawyer Mag. Spiegl as witness. Any question concerning this matter, please contact Sec. General.

Master Juan Ferrando
ITF Secretary General